Well this week is champs and I'm pretty confident about winning. Except the school Chino is going to be there.At tournaments they always get SWEEPS. SWEEPS is better than first place. Well they don't always get SWEEPS, but it seems like they do all the time. This year for colorguard I thought we were going to suck! Turns out we don't suck! Of course I feel bad for doubting them.I'm glad the rookies (the new people that are in guar) proved me wrong. I didn't tell them that they suck cause I didn't want them to feel bad about themself. I see the rookies improving everyday, I'm really proud of them. I don't know what its like to be a sister because I'm an only-child.Ever since I joined guard I know what its like to be a sister now.There's always people looking up to you and it feels nice knowing someone looks up to you as a friend,role modle,and sister.