Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Starting to look like Winterguard
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Well this week is champs and I'm pretty confident about winning. Except the school Chino is going to be there.At tournaments they always get SWEEPS. SWEEPS is better than first place. Well they don't always get SWEEPS, but it seems like they do all the time. This year for colorguard I thought we were going to suck! Turns out we don't suck! Of course I feel bad for doubting them.I'm glad the rookies (the new people that are in guar) proved me wrong. I didn't tell them that they suck cause I didn't want them to feel bad about themself. I see the rookies improving everyday, I'm really proud of them. I don't know what its like to be a sister because I'm an only-child.Ever since I joined guard I know what its like to be a sister now.There's always people looking up to you and it feels nice knowing someone looks up to you as a friend,role modle,and sister.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
2nd family ♡♥
We all have friends that are like family to us. Some times we argue, I think it's cause we are so close to eachother. Of course we argue but at the end we make up. When we argue it brakes my heart because I'm an only child so I really don't know what its like to be a big sister or a little sister. In my colorguard there ate only three guys.When the captions make an announcement they usually say "okay girls" and the guys feel left out. I usually never forget that their are guys in guard. This is my 2nd year being in color guard and I gotta truly say that I habe gotten closer to all the other members. It brings a smile on my face when we're all getting along just laughing, making jokes, dancing together, and aying games that includes everybody.For me its seriously the best feeling.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Don't doubt
Well this saturday is our first competition. Also the highschool Chino is goimg to be there.If you did not know but my school (Savanna) and Chino don't like eachother.In colorguard that is. Last year for the championship we got high axillary, so we beat Chino.Which that has never happend before. At the band and colorguard banquet there always a section of the year.You'll be surprise who won section of the year. Flutes, the dumb flutes got section of the year! Thwy weren't the ones who beat Chino! Every body siad that colorguard should habe won section of the year. But is was up to Mr.Belski (our band director) to choose who will get it.For thw competition I don't feel lile the the rookies (new members) are ready for this.They say they are doesn't seem like it.The only thing I can do is don't doubt them and hope for the best!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Show some respect, please
Yes I know I'm not in the rifle line but I'm still a vet. and the rookies still have to show me and the two other vets. respect. At least you can listen to us.I'm seriously sick and tired of some of the rookies not showing us respect! Now I know how my mom feels when I don't listen to her.The feeling is just like I just wanna punch them in their face. It's just a terrible feeling. Some of the rookies do listen and some of them don't listen. Wjen they don't listen I'm not going to treat them how they are treating me.I'm the vet. so its my job to be respectful and be a rolemodle to them.